1880 Mackenzie Drive / Suite 210
Columbus, OH 43220-2956

Medical Examinations to Work Abroad

We perform all necessary testing and evaluations for those seeking a visa to work abroad. Extensive medical testing and evaluations are critical to anyone planning to work abroad, especially those seeking a visa to work in the Gulf region (Countries such as Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE, etc.).

We test for all diseases including tuberculosis, syphilis, HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. We are able to do all required blood testing, urine testing, and we also perform chest x-rays, EKGs and all necessary testing. We are a World Health Organization approved yellow fever clinic.

For more information and to schedule your visit, call us at 614-224-9052 or send your request to Dr. Bloomfield at ronaldbloomfieldmd@gmail.com

We are located in the center of Upper Arlington near the intersection of Henderson and Reed Road. Look for the Huntington Bank at the corner of Reed and Mackenzie, go west on Mackenzie and we’re the third building on your right. COTA 33 stops at Henderson and Reed and from there we are a 10-minute walk.
Last Modified November 2021